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288 judges have been dismissed since the beginning of 2023


During January – October 2023 the HCJ took decisions on dismissal of 288 judges.

282 judges were dismissed on general grounds, in particular:

263 judges were dismissed due to the submission of applications for resignation, of which:

119 judges of local courts;

114 judges of courts of appeal;

22 judges of the Supreme Court;

4 judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine;

1 judge of the High Administrative Court of Ukraine;

1 judge of the High Economic Court of Ukraine;

2 judges of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases.

19 judges were dismissed due to the submission of applications for dismissal at own will, of which:

18 judges of local courts;

1 judge of the Supreme Court.

Under special grounds, the High Council of Justice dismissed 6 judges, namely for committing a significant disciplinary offense.