HCJ postponed the resumption of work of the Bilozerskyi district court of Kherson region
The HCJ decided to postpone beginning of the work resumption of the Bilozerskyi district court of Kherson region until September 1, 2023.
The Khersonskyi local court of Kherson region will continue to consider cases submitted to this court until August 31, 2023 inclusive.
Judge of the Kyivskyi district court of Odesa Liudmyla Saltan has been suspended from the administration of justice
On August 1, 2023, the HCJ satisfied petition of the Deputy Prosecutor General – Head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and, until the court verdict enters into legal force or the criminal proceedings are closed, temporarily removed the judge of the Kyivskyi district court of Odesa, Liudmyla Saltan, from administration of justice in connection with criminal prosecution. The judge is suspected of committing a criminal offense under the third part of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
On June 29, 2023, the indictment in this case was submitted to the High Anti-Corruption Court for consideration on the merits; in fact, a preparatory hearing took place on July 27, and the case is currently scheduled for court consideration.
HCJ dismissed five judges for resignation
On August 1, 2023 the HCJ decided to dismiss three judges under submission of application for resignation, in particular:
Hrek Borys Mykolaiovych – from the office of judge of the Northern economic court of appeal;
Selivanenko Volodymyr Pavlovych – from the office of judge of the Supreme Court;
Tsiura Taisiia Vasylivna – from the office of judge of the Odesa court of appeal.
On August 3, 2023 the HCJ decided to dismiss two judges under submission of application for resignation, in particular:
Yeriomin Anatolii Vasyliovych – from the office of judge of the High administrative court of Ukraine;
Kalashnikiva Olena Volodymyrivna – from the office of judge of the Supreme Court.
HCJ dismissed 222 judges during seven months of 2023
During January – July 2023, the HCJ decided to dismiss 220 judges on general grounds:
• 206 judges were dismissed under submission of application for resignation;
• 14 judges were dismissed in connection with the submission of an application for dismissal on free will.
Two judges were dismissed by the HCJ under special grounds, in particular, for committing a significant disciplinary offense.
HCJ will form a working group to calculate the optimal number of judges
A working meeting on determining the number of judges in local courts and courts of appeal was held in the High Council of Justice, involving the members of the HCJ, HQCJU, representatives of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, the Supreme Court, the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine and the National School of Judges of Ukraine.
The Chairman of the High Council of Justice Hryhorii Usyk informed that the HQCJ of Ukraine has raised the issue of the necessity to determine the number of judges in local courts and courts of appeal due to the fact that in August 2023, 582 candidates will be able to participate in the competition for vacant positions.
The participants of the meeting agreed that the number of judges in local courts and courts of appeal should be no less than previously determined by the orders of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine.
HCJ dismissed Olha Yefimova and Svitlana Koval from the office of judges of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv
On August 3, 2023, the HCJ decided to dismiss Olha Yefimova and Svitlana Koval from the office of judges of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv under paragraph 3 of part 6 of Article 126 of the Constitution of Ukraine (committing a significant disciplinary misdemeanour, gross or systematic disregard of his/her duties, which is incompatible with the status of judge or has shown his/her incompatibility with the position held).
HCJ decided on the composition of disciplinary chambers
Composition of the first, second and third disciplinary chambers of the High Council of Justice can be found here.
137 notifications on interference in the professional activity of judges have been considered by the HCJ since the beginning of 2023
During January – July, 2023, the HCJ received 91 notifications on interference in the professional activity of judges regarding administering justice and actions that violate guarantees of independence of judges or undermine the authority of justice.
Taking into account notifications that were received in previous periods, the HCJ has considered 137 notifications from judges since the beginning of this year.
Based on the results of consideration of 61 notifications on interference in the activities of judges in the administration of justice, there were adopted 59 decisions on taking response measures. Having considered 76 notifications of judges, the Council adopted 36 decisions on the approval of 63 opinions of the HCJ members about absence of grounds for taking measures to ensure the independence of judges and the authority of justice.
Activities of the HCJ Secretariat in figures for January – July, 2023
3835 appeals from citizens and 337 requests for information were considered by employees of the Secretariat of the High Council of Justice since the beginning of 2023. 2241 appeals from citizens were received to the HCJ hotline at the telephone number: (044) 481-06-26.
During January – July, 2023, there were prepared 1481 cover letters on sending copies of the acts of the HCJ and its bodies were prepared by employees of the Secretariat of the HCJ; 3305 copies of the acts of the HCJ, its bodies and members of the HCJ were issued; 12 603 pages of draft documents of the HCJ were edited.
HCJ Chairman Hryhorii Usyk discussed with the Ambassador of the United States of America to Ukraine Bridget Ann Brink a development strategy of the judicial system in Ukraine
The meeting was also attended by Acting Director of the USAID Mission to Ukraine Theodora Dell, Chargé d'affaires a.i., Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine Rémi Duflot.
The Chairman of the High Council of Justice Hryhorii Usyk noted that despite the war the judicial system of our state has not stopped its activity and continues defending the rights and freedoms of citizens.
The U.S. Ambassador Bridget Ann Brink noted the importance of ensuring the highest professional and ethical standards to strengthen trust in the judicial system, which will preserve the investors’ confidence in the recovery of Ukraine.