The HCJ dismissed five judges for resignation
On June 20, 2023 the HCJ decided to dismiss two judges under submission of application for resignation, in particular:
- Matviievska Hanna Viacheslavivna – form the office of judge of the Ordzhonikidzevskyi district court of Kharkiv;
- Pylypenko Olena Yevheniivna – form the office of judge of the Sixth administrative court of appeal.
On June 22, 2023 the HCJ took decision to dismiss three judges under submission of application for resignation, in particular:
Shembelian Viktoriia Serhiivna – from the office of judge of Luhansk circuit administrative court;
- Kordiuk Halyna Tarasivna – from the office of judge of the Western economic court of appeal;
- Bahlai Ivan Petrovych – from the office of judge of Chernihiv court of appeal.
“Signing of the memorandum with the NACP is an important step to overcome corruption” – Hryhorii Usyk
On June 21, 2023, the Memorandum of Interaction and Cooperation between the HCJ and the NACP was signed.
“The signing of the memorandum is a significant event, because this is the first document on cooperation with the anti-corruption body. This is an important step towards achieving the goal of overcoming corruption and at the same time ensuring the independence of the judiciary. Another important step will be the resumption of the procedure for considering disciplinary complaints against the actions of judges, which will increase the level of confidence in the judiciary,” said Hryhorii Usyk, the Chairman of the HCJ.
The memorandum envisages the consolidation of efforts in the formation and implementation of the state anti-corruption policy, as well as ensuring the independence of the judiciary, its functioning on the basis of responsibility, accountability to society, the formation of an honest and highly professional corps of judges, compliance with the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine.
The HCJ member Inna Plakhtii – on the boundaries of discretion in the context of the personnel function of the HCJ
During the moderated discussion “The countdown has begun: multitasking as a guarantee of effectiveness of the new HQCJU”, organized by the Ukrainian Institute of the Future together with the Law Association “DOBROSUD”, the HCJ member Inna Plakhtii spoke about the boundaries of discretionary powers of the HCJ in the context of the personnel function regarding the appointment of candidates for the positions of judges.
“Since the restoration of the powers of the High Council of Justice, its main personnel function has been to create an authorized High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine. We succeeded in this,” said the HCJ member Inna Plakhtii.
Also during the event, issues of pressing personnel problems in the judiciary and priority areas of work of the renewed HQCJ of Ukraine were discussed.
The HCJ temporarily suspended judge of the Leninskyi district court of Poltava from the administration of justice due to criminal prosecution
On June 22, 2023, the HCJ decided to uphold the motion of the Deputy Prosecutor General – the Head of the SAPO Klymenko O.V. and temporarily suspended judge of the Leninskyi district court of Poltava, Novak Yurii Dmytrovych from the administration of justice due to criminal prosecution until the court verdict enters into legal force or the criminal proceedings are closed.
The HCJ dismissed Svitlana Volkova from the office of judge of the Pecherskyi district court of Kyiv
On June 22, 2023, the HCJ decided to dismiss Svetlana Volkova from the office of judge of the Pecherskyi district court of Kyiv on the basis of paragraph 3 of part 6 of Article 126 of the Constitution of Ukraine (committing a significant disciplinary misdemeanour, gross or systematic disregard of his/her duties, which is incompatible with the status of judge or has shown his/her incompatibility with the position held).
The HCJ extended the term of temporary suspension from the administration of justice of judge Larysa Bohomolova
On June 22, 2023 the HCJ upheld the motion of the Deputy Prosecutor General Anton Voitenko and extended until August 22, 2023 the term of temporary suspension from the administration of justice of judge of the Berdianskyi local-district court of Zaporizhzhia region Larysa Bohomolova, seconded to the Poltavskyi district court of Poltava region, due to criminal prosecution.
The HCJ members met with representatives of the EU Project “PRAVO-JUSTICE”
Priority areas of cooperation between the constitutional body of the judicial governance and European partners were discussed during the meeting by the Chairman of the HCJ Hryhorii Usyk, members of the Council Dmytro Lukianov, Roman Maselko and representatives of the European Union Project PRAVO-JUSTICE.
More details here.