HCJ dismissed six judges for resignation
On October 17, 2023 the HCJ decided to dismiss due to filing an application for resignation:
- Volkova Oksana Mykolaivna – from the office of judge of the Vinkovetskyi district court of Khmelnytskyi regionі;
- Yaremko Vasyl Vasylovych – from the office of judge of the Supreme Court;
- Zaitseva Svitlana Andriivna – from the office of judge of the Donetskyi court of appeal (seconded to the Dniprovskyi court of appeal to administer justice).
On October 19, 2023 the HCJ decided to dismiss due to to filing an application for resignation:
- Halchenko Oksana Oleksandrivna – from the office of judge of the Poltavskyi district court of Poltava region;
- Dykun Svitlana Illivna – from the office of judge of the Ternopolskyi court of appeal;
- Dolia Volodymyr Anatoliivych – from the office of judge of the Rivnenskyi local court of Rivne region.
Registration of e-Cabinets for participation in court proceedings will become mandatory from October 18, 2023
On October 18, 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on the mandatory registration and use of electronic cabinets in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its separate subsystem (Module) ensuring document exchange” dated June 29, 2023 No. 3200-IX.
For a certain group of persons, this law provides for the mandatory availability of electronic cabinet in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System (UJITS) from October 18, 2023.
The law establishes that in the event of an appeal to the court by a person who is obliged to register electronic cabinet, but has not fulfilled his/her duty, the documents of such a person will remain by the court motionless or returned, depending on the type of procedural document.
Amendments to the Regulations on the operating procedure of separate subsystems (modules) of the UJITS: what has changed
The HCJ by its decision No. 977/0/15-23 “On approval of amendments to the Regulations on the operating procedure of separate subsystems (modules) of the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System” harmonized the norms of this regulation with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on the mandatory registration and use of electronic cabinets in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its separate subsystem (Module) ensuring document exchange” dated June 29, 2023 No. 3200-IX, which came into force on October 18, 2023.
Amendments and access the Electronic Cabinet – at the link: https://is.gd/QNihcn
Secretaries of the HCJ Disciplinary Chambers were elected
On October 19, 2023, the HCJ elected the secretaries of the disciplinary chambers for a term of two years:
On October 19, 2023, the HCJ elected secretaries of the Disciplinary Chambers for a term of two years:
Alla Kotelevets – Secretary of the First Disciplinary Chamber;
Roman Maselko – Secretary of the Second Disciplinary Chamber;
Inna Plakhtii – Secretary of the Third Disciplinary Chamber.
From November 1, the HCJ will resume the automated distribution of disciplinary complaints among members of the Council
On October 19, 2023, the HCJ decided to resume from November 1, 2023, the distribution among members of the Council of complaints regarding the disciplinary misconduct of a judge and complaints about the decision on bringing a judge or prosecutor to disciplinary liability. The decision was taken with the aim of immediately resuming the disciplinary function of the HCJ, as well as ensuring an even distribution of cases among the members of the Council.
Temporarily, until the day the Disciplinary Inspectorate Service of the HCJ starts working, the powers of disciplinary inspector are exercised by a member of the Disciplinary Chamber (rapporteur), determined by the automated case distribution system.
HCJ announced the availability of vacant position of the Deputy Head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, responsible for digital development
The HCJ, by its decision of October 19, 2023, announced the availability of the vacant position of the Deputy Head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine for digital development, digital transformation and digitalization, and also approved the Conditions for holding the specified vacant position.
Conditions for holding the vacant position of the Deputy Head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine for digital development, digital transformation and digitalization – at the link: https://is.gd/T5pnb1