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HCJ should act as the ideologist for the development of the judiciary - Oleksandr Sasevych


Oleksandr Sasevych, a member of the High Council of Justice, emphasized on this during the XI International Judicial and Legal Forum, the session devoted to the topic of human resources for justice.

In his presentation, Alexander Sasevych reminded that one of the main tasks of the High Council of Justice, which resumed its work in full capacity in January 2023, was to approve the complete composition of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJ). On June 1 of the current year, the High Council of Justice appointed the full composition of HQCJ - 16 members. The selection process was conducted transparently and publicly, interviews were conducted live.

“We strive for the standard that was introduced during the selection and interviews with the candidates for the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine to be used in future practice while selecting candidates for the position of judge”, - said O. Sasevych.

He also reminded that the members of the HCJ faced some unresolved issues, in particular, regarding the election of military personnel to the position of a member of the HQCJ, as the law prohibits to combine two positions. As of today, two members of the HQCJ are military personnel. The Commission decided that the members who are military personnel will not participate in the meetings until the moment of either legislative regulation or the demobilization from the Armed Forces, said a member of the HCJ.

Alexander Sasevych emphasized that it is necessary to anticipate the mechanisms for ensuring the continuous functioning of such bodies  such as the HCJ and the HQCJ, for example, this could involve amending legislation to select reserve members for these judicial governance bodies. It is also necessary to start working on the development strategy of the judicial system for the years 2024-2026.

The HCJ should take on leadership roles, which means not merely being a positive executor of its duties but also acting as an ideologist for the development of the judicial power. In the coordinate system of the judiciary, we have mutual understanding and positive contact. Together, we will work out our further steps, and the results of our activities will not be long in coming”, - the speaker is convinced.

Summarizing, the member of the HCJ called on legal professionals to provide ideas and proposals for the development of the judicial authority.