During the meeting, the Chairman of the High Council of Justice Hryhorii Usyk and members of the Council, Dmytro Lukianov and Roman Maselko discussed the priority areas of cooperation between the constitutional body of judicial governance and European partners with representatives of the European Union Project «PRAVO-JUSTICE».
At the beginning of the discussion, the members of the High Council of Justice noted the significant role of the Project in strengthening the institutional capacity of the Council and highly appreciated its methodological and organizational assistance.
During the discussion of the issue of restoration of the disciplinary function of the HCJ, Hryhorii Usyk noted that the Council is ready on a temporary basis to start considering disciplinary complaints and to perform the disciplinary function in its entirety. To ensure its implementation, an inventory of disciplinary complaints will be conducted in the near future and priority criteria for their consideration will be developed.
Hryhorii Usyk also mentioned that in the conditions of a large shortage of judges, it is urgent to optimize the selection procedures. These procedures need to be improved, as they are currently too long, encumbered and costly.
European experts noted that the next stages of cooperation will include multi-component expert and organizational support for the restoration of the disciplinary function of the HCJ - the launch and operation of the service of disciplinary inspectors; consultations on optimizing the selection procedures for judges; establishing international connections of HCJ; implementing elements of remote justice; development of the communication capacity of HCJ etc.
«Experts strive for the Project's activities to correspond to modern realities, contribute to overcoming the consequences of the war, the rebuilding Ukraine, the future integration into the EU», - noted the sectoral manager of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Alban Biossa.
In conclusion, the head of the HCJ noted the great effectiveness of the cooperation with the "PRAVO-JUSTICE" project in solving priority tasks.
We remind you that the experts of the Project held an orientation and strategic sessions for the members of the HCJ; participated in the development of the project Methodology for conducting interviews, selection and appointment of candidates for the position of a member of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine; contributed to the audit of the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System. The project also organized a visit for the members of the HCJ to the Republic of Slovenia to participate in the General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary, which granted the observer status to the HCJ.
The participants of the meeting were such guests as Alban Biossa, the sectoral manager of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Clément Hut, project manager of the French Agency for International Technical Assistance, Oksana Tsymbrivska, the head of the EU Project "Pravo-Justice", Volodymyr Chaban, the chief national expert of the judicial reform component of the EU Project, Hryhorii Usyk, the Chairman of the High Council of Justice, Dmytro Lukianov, Roman Maselko, the members of the Council, Volodymyr Hurzhy, Vladyslav Hurtenko, the employees of the Secretariat of the High Council of Justice.