Starting from November 1, 2023, according to the decision of the High Council of Justice No. 997/0/15-23, the distribution of complaints is restored between the members of the Council about disciplinary misconduct of a judge and complaints against decisions to impose a judge or prosecutor to disciplinary responsibility.
To unblock the disciplinary function of the High Council of Justice as soon as possible, the HCJ Secretariat has conducted preparatory work on grouping and systematizing complaints for further auto-distribution.
Regarding the sequence of auto-distribution, we would like to inform you that initially, the cases where disciplinary proceedings have been initiated but not yet completed, will be distributed. There are approximately 800 such complaints.
The next in line for automated distribution will be complaints related to the decisions to hold a judge or prosecutor accountable for disciplinary responsibility.
Then for about 11,500 complaints that have been received from August 5, 2021, to October 31, 2023, will be sequentially distributed.
Please note that this distribution will be carried out sequentially, taking into account the need to consolidate complaints related to the same judicial case. That is, complaints from different applicants regarding the same judge or complaints about judges from different judicial instances who participated in the same judicial case will be assigned to a member of the High Council of Justice designated by the system for reviewing the first such complaint, the review of which by the member of the Council is not yet completed. As of October 31, 2023, there are approximately 2800 such cases.
This approach will ensure a comprehensive, systematic review of complaints and will also facilitate the effective application of the rapporteur's prioritization criteria.
In addition, there will be a distribution of new cases and materials that will be received by the HCJ from November 1, 2023.